On Caprica, in the world of war, Klaod Noctis and his love Nephila cross paths between good and evil with Drakmen heroes of peace...they must choose their fate...
Sequel to the legendary archangels with the heroes of the saga and new family heroes... also great cinema, a great director and producer of choice like peter jackson or james cameron or roland emmerich...
ReadIn a world of war, a hybrid divine dragon, his love and his unique team battle armies of diverse drakmen to defend a new republic...thanks to a legendary elite.
American style, between lord of the rings xena and dungeons & dragons. feature film sequel to senthari light...great cinema!
ReadIn the world of love, called Aphrodysia, where angels, human elves and other races live, five elven angels arrive to find welcome and well-being for their children... but the inhabitants of this universe are reluctant to welcome them...
This scenario requires a very very high quality of direction (at least preferably) and cinematographic scriptwriting. feature film of American cinema or Asian cinema or both.... it will require a choice casting excellent ... (actors very well suited for the roles not necessarily great actors known) .... cinema of new type very innovative ...
ReadIn another multiverse world, on a distant planet called Caprica, sentharis - a humanoid species - invade the planet where humans defend themselves with a divine humanoid dragon...
American or Asian style only, genre director adapted to big movies...between avatar - storm riders - star wars
ReadA man and a woman stalk each other in a strange forest, they confront each other and realize the truth of their psychic world or they will have to make a choice; the past or the future...
Casting indifferent, but adapted relatively to the style of the short...a rewrite is possible...depending on judgment.
ReadFrancesca tells her friend a story about a young human mutant who runs away from a vampire science center and is captured by a family of vampires, whom she ends up loving...u'
A new kind of film, between a fantastic sentimental and cha'rnal adventure, told in a second story...this medium-length scenario deserves a brilliantly chosen director and cast...(american or asian style). or an exceptional european director.(luc besson, enki bilal, guillermo del toro...
ReadKana, a beautiful young girl, dreams of and falls in love with a man and his double from another world. Misa, her friend, guides her towards her destiny. A dream that becomes real...
A talented director who loves the fantastic and the romantic unites with charming actresses and actors...for this original short film...
ReadTwo young girls venture naked into a forest when they are spotted, and flee when the police find them and arrest them, then put them in a haunted psychiatric hospital, then delivered by fleeing friends to a refuge.
In draft form, but I'll accept other people's ideas in a writers' collaboration...