

zezo albarasi - 07/11/2023
How to protect my script
To protect your script, it is not necessary to proceed to administrative steps. Indeed, the article L. 111-1 of the code of the intellectual property (CPI) stipulates that "the author of a work of the spirit enjoys on this work, by the only fact of its creation, an exclusive incorporeal property right and opposable to all. This right includes attributes of an intellectual and moral nature as well as attributes of an economic nature". However, in order to avoid possible conflicts, it is preferable and recommended to take care of what is called the "proof of the anteriority of the copyright" which proves your paternity on your creation. Which procedures ? In all, five procedures are available to you to register your work. Sending a registered letter to yourself One method is to send your script to yourself by sealing the envelope and never opening it, as the stamp is supposed to be authentic, but the legal value of this procedure is weak. It is interesting to note that the Post Office has the option of sending an electronic registered letter which could constitute a computerized proof. 2. Deposit with a society of authors This is the most commonly used procedure. The deposit can be done in digital format, remotely or in physical format. For the latter, you just have to download the form to be printed and the society will send you directly an envelope to send back. There are several societies of authors with varying rates. The Société des Gens De Lettres

André Pitié - 21/03/2023
How to write a logline?
Are there simple guidelines that writers can follow to write a good logline? Writing a compelling and interesting logline is an art. And as with screenwriting, there is no secret formula for achieving it. Beyond the theory, here are some simple tips you can apply to your process that will help you write the most effective logline for your script. Some people think that the logline is a necessary evil in the film world. Screenwriters sometimes see it as an "evil" because it feels like the industry is asking us to condense our 100-page script into a few dozen words. And yet, all this is false, we should learn to write a logline before learning to write a screenplay. In a logline, you don't tell a story. You present the central concept of your screenplay. This logline is the first selling point of your script. It starts the conversation. The logline is what managers, agents and producers will use first to get your script considered, pitched, bought, developed, packaged, financed, produced and distributed. It is the first contact between the film world and your script. When production professionals read a screenplay, you must present them with: - The main character(s) - The world they live in - The precipitating incident - The major conflict they face - The stakes of the story These are the elements that make up the concept of a story. As for the secondary characters, side stories, twists and revelations? Save all that for the pitch and the scri

André Pitié - 26/04/2022

Discover Dicelot : play dice games online.