Helene Duchemin

Hello, I have worked primarily in theater with great directors such as Grotowski, Hans Andrews Roy art theatre, Michael Howard N.Y. I have directed my own theater company, created shows, offered workshops on acting and character development. I have written my own plays and have written synopsis scripts, I have also done an improvised feature film presented at the Espace St-Michel. My characters and dialogues are very deep, my structure is dynamic without redundancy or dead time, because I am also an editor. I write in a visual and organic way. The reader sees the film and feels it in his gut.

Born in 1965




Syd Field - Attestation - Pivots et structure
J'ai suivi des ateliers avec le script docteur américain, Syd Field. Il a entre autres définit les pivots dans le scénario
Grotowski - Attestation - Personnage
Développement en profondeur des personnages. Travail d'acteur organique


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Running out of ideas? Lost in too many ideas ? or need an outside eye ? I offer you a tailor-made coaching, whether it is to develop your idea or even a flash, to deepen your characters or to improve the structure of your script, the narrative...
Services / script doctor
Need feeling, rhythm, structure, a problem with one or more characters. Do not hesitate to contact me. [email protected]