A story inspired by true events
Synopsis: Chuck Barton, 16, a bearded teenager, discovers that his father is unfaithful and has had a lover since Céline arrived at home. This poor devil tries to destroy the family by influencing his best friend Anita, who, under Céline's influence, falls in love with a professional seducer to jeopardize her marriage, Chuck Barton, on the other hand, is trying to discover his father's secret, but Céline is his real obstacle. Chuck Barton's new strategies will lead him on the adventure of discovering his father's true secret, while his mother, scalded by two worlds of love, loses her abilities if she just looks at Jacques' handsome face, and doesn't know who he is. Chuck, in a rage to achieve his goals, stumbles across his father's private phone, diary and address book, and that day everything starts ringing in his ears. Chuck goes to this hotel and that day everything explodes Contact me on [email protected]
ReadThis story recounts the life of a child
This story tells the story of a predestined child who has visions and is lost by his father in the city of the devil and the vampires. He is sometimes a ghost, vampire and human, all seeking to destroy humanity and the child's life, stealing his soul and incorporating it into his own. This child always hears the cries and temptations of the devil and the ghost following his family at night, as well as the vampires ravaging the human city. Humans are panicked and disturbed by these creatures. Night is the time when vampires, ghosts and humans scatter, but so many deaths, disappearances and transformations are done to mankind and his sister and cousin are killed by these vampires, but this child swears to God that he'll take revenge and eliminate all these cursed creatures one by one, with only the power of purchase and supernatural powers.