Conviviales Ni vu! Ni connu!

Organizer of the Conviviales de Nannay The association Ni vu ! Nor known ! (association law 1901) organizes, within the framework of the 12th Conviviales Art, Cinéma et Ruralité, its 3rd screenplay competition which will reward a project. A production grant of 5000 euros (five thousand euros) will be paid as follows 2500? at the announcement of the winner and 2500? at the presentation of the film The winner will have to make or have made the film based on the scenario within two years. The subject of the script is free, lasting about 15 minutes for a fiction and 26 or 52 minutes for a documentary. The participation is open to any person of age with only one script per candidate. Registration is free. The files must arrive no later than June 30. All files must be sent to the following address Ni vu ! Nor known ! Screenplay competition Town Hall 1 place de la Mairie 58350 Nannay Registration forms can be found on under the heading Ni vu ! Nor known ! Les Conviviales.

Born in 1960

Nannay France
